1962 Monza Wagon Original Condition

Picture of car while still in Massachusetts. Many things were better than expected with the car. One disappointing feature was household White Silicone was used to seal up the front cowl area and windshield. After arrival in BC we started a full restoration.

1962 Monza Wagon En Route

Purchased this car sight unseen from Mark Bashara. Here it is being loaded onto the transport for it’s long trip to Vancouver BC.

62 Wagon

Joe Sr wasn’t happy with door alignment so off they came for full restoration.

62 Wagon

Complete mechanical refresh including suspension and heater ducts. Several restorations had yielded 4-5 different colours of red on the interior so we completely refinished interior to have a consistent colour

62 Wagon

The ‘General’ (General Motors) missed painting this in 1962…never too late to do it properly

62 Wagon

Engine bay painted and rear hatch back on car

62 Wagon

With his always expert assistance Rob Hall of Corvair Specialties got it running nice and smooth

62 Wagon

Doors back on, ready for Paint (July 2011)