1964 Spyder

We purchased this car in Portland in 2005 from Dave ?. We were able to also obtain a long history of Car Show wins since the 80’s. This car has had a gentle life and with 42,000 miles has been well care for by all it’s owners.

1964 Spyder Moving Day

With the kind assistance of my Father in Laws Truck and my neighbours trailer we headed down to Portland for the pick up. Unanticipated was the shear ice we found on the I-5 enroute….scary drive, but we got back safe and sound with our new prize

1964 Spyder Engine

This car has the 150 HP Turbo option which was the first of it’s kind for North American cars.

1964 Spyder Kelsey Hayes

These are original option wheels which were available in 1963 and 1964 for $400. When you consider the base price of a Corvair was about $2,000 this represented a single option worth 20% of the car. My understanding is that about 400 sets of these were delivered in the era.